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Taipei Performing Art Centre

A large glass cube forms the core of the Taipei Performing Arts Centre (TPAC). The different theatres are visually glued to this cube on the outside of the building and are accessed via this glass core. The physical separation is smart, because the different theatres are to be used at the same time. The theatre complex has been raised so that the space below the theatre remains available for the daily market. The façades of the cubes are clad with storey-tall s-shaped panels that have previously been used in other buildings as well, such as the Museum at the River (MAS) building in Antwerp. They are linked to the building’s main support structure via a steel support structure. In the areas of the cube that contain open spaces, the glass has been suspended from the higher level floors.
The strength of the curved glass is evident from the fact that it must be able to withstand typhoons and forces of 800 kg/m2. Roof terraces are to be constructed on a number of theatres and are accessible via glass doors. S-shaped glass infill panels are attached to the steel portals for this purpose as well. ABT specified the structural detailing for these doors. The detailing had to take the possibility of a typhoon into account as well. A sphere projects outwards above the main entrance. The architect wanted to have this sphere constructed without dilatations. ABT developed an aluminium façade that is suspended from the underlying structure using an elastic system. When the sphere heats up, it will expand. Due to its elastic attachment, the spherical façade shell is able to expand outward in its entirety. The stresses caused by the increase in temperature within the aluminium plate consequently stay within limits.

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